Sunday, August 28, 2011

some vids of the kids

My first few weeks back from the US were a bit easier than regular classes.  I taught summer classes that lasted only 1/2 the day, then I got to go home.  That was a treat, and it was a bit difficult to get back into the swing of things once the days went to 5 O' clock opposed to 12.  

I thought I'd share a few videos that my kids did during the summer camp.  The students spent part of an hour making their own scripts, then they practiced, and finally we video taped them doing a morning news show.  Overall I was VERY impressed with the kids' abilities and composure.  Here are some videos from my 3rd and 4th graders.

If I get time I'll post a few more from different grades.  

In other news, everyone I know in Korea is departing in the coming days.  It's hard to believe that it has been a full year since I came to Korea, but indeed it has been.  It's a bit sad to see everyone go, however I'm sure the coming year will be good and full of surprises (it is korea, after all).  The last week or so we've tried to get together as much as possible, and had a solid day/night in Seoul yesterday.  

The weather has also gotten better.  It has actually been really sunny and a bit less humid, but still REALLY hot.  Anything is better than what we had for the entire month of July... that was simply torture.  

That is all for now.  I'll try to think of more things to say next time.
