Friday, September 30, 2011


thought of a story that happened about a month ago that I wanted to share.  probably the funniest hostage situation ever to happen.  Wolfish (my friend) and I were leaving my apartment to get lunch, so we hopped in the elevator.  A grandma and her grandson entered the elevator but the lady forgot something in her apartment.  the little kid walked out of the elevator and stared at wolfish and me.  We thought it was kinda cute and so we waved to the little guy who immediately started to laugh.  Then, the kid started pushing the elevator button to hold the door open... essentially holding us hostage on the 15th floor.  we laughed the first time and the kid burst out into laughter.  I thought it would end there, but the kid wouldn't stop... we said bye to him and eventually, after about 20 seconds he let the door close.  FINALLY.  Unfortunately, this kid had the timing down so that as soon as the doors closed he would hit the button again and keep us on the 15th floor.  It was like an epic game of peek-a-boo for him and wolfish and I were stuck there for his entertainment.  He did this approximately 10 times... It was the funniest thing I've ever seen a kid do, and I couldn't really be mad at him.  At last the grandma showed up and apologized to us.  I didn't really care, I kinda got a kick out of it.
Not much one can do either... go kick the kid so he falls over??? nope.
yell at a kid in public for pushing a button?  nope... just a funny event.

Monday is a holiday to celebrate the founding of the current government after the japanese occupation.  This allows me to watch football w/o having the longest day of classes, so it's a welcomed holiday.  I suppose I'm happy that korea found its independence from japan, too.  congrats korea, ya did it!  (with a little help from the state of the world in 1945...)

Big week in wisconsin sports as well.  I think all brewers fans are relieved that we finally made it to the post season with the ability to make a splash... we've had quite a few good years with little ability to do much in the playoffs.  Badgers are playing Nebraska in Madison in a night game... I'm almost happy that I don't live there anymore because I'm not sure I could handle the day's activities.  notice the emphasis on almost.. there's nothing I'd like more than to be in madison on a cool fall day celebrating the badgers with all my friends.  maybe next year.  Last, the packers stand to start the season 4-0 with the majority of our team all healthy, CRAZY!  Prediction:  GBP 42 :  DB 13.

I also predict wins for the brewers and badgers in what ends up being one of the best weeks of wisconsin sports, EVER.

enjoy the games!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Thursday, September 22, 2011

ROK update


I'll catch you up on some of the recent events in Korea.  The end of August brought a mass exodus of friends and fellow English teachers.  It was both fun and sad at the same time as we celebrated everyone's successful year in Korea.  Now that is all over and I am left to adjust to my new social scene (or lack there of).  I have not noticed my sudden lack of friends so much due to my recent discovery of a partially torn labrum in my shoulder.  I had experienced quite a bit of pain while playing volleyball at my school which led me to visit the doctor to solve the issue.  Eight x-rays, an MRI, and several hundreds of dollars later we discovered the problem, and I have been told to take a rest for the next few weeks.  I'm also on a heavy concoction of pain killers and muscle relaxers that leave my shoulder feelin' reaaaalllyyy good.  So far the process has been pretty good thanks to an awesome doctor who speaks nearly perfect English.  We discussed his English ability as he stuck me with the biggest freakin' needle I've ever seen.  I don't think he was purposely taking a long time to administer the three shots, but he was clearly in no rush, either.  So, I'm poppin pills like they're tic-tacs every day, and that has thrown a kink in weekend plans as I can't drink while taking the pills.  I had a couple beers during a recent holiday ending with poor results, but that story is for another time.  

The weather in Korea has taken a turn for the better as the temperatures have been hovering around 70 during the day, and mid 50's at night.  Finally, I don't show up to school with a darker shirt than when I left my apartment...  Sweating balls and trying to hide it really sucks at a school full of kids that feel the need to point out every imperfection the teacher has.  I usually respond to their jabs with my ability to pronounce the letters 'l' 'j' and 'z'.  But I digress... the weather is beautiful leading to more time outside.  Throwing a frisbee has been doable w/ my shoulder, but a football/baseball/basketball has proven to be a bit painful.  Hopefully this weather sticks around for a few more weeks before jackets are needed.  

A new crop of UW grads has landed in Korea to teach, but Korea is in the midst of downsizing the number foreigners in public schools.  Last year I landed in Korea with 50 or 60 other UW grads, and this year there was 20 or so.  It's too bad that this opportunity will not be available to young graduates in the coming years, as I do believe it has been and continues to be a unique opportunity.  I suppose many other countries offer such opportunities, however for less pay/benefits.   
Hopefully I meet some of these new UW people soon.  Perhaps we can watch a badger game or two.  

And lastly, this weekend is the big Oktoberfest weekend in La Crosse (probably Germany too) and I am jealous of everyone who gets to celebrate.  Hopefully the weather is nice, and the parade is sunny.  

over & out. 
