Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm gunna cover a lotta ground on this post...  Its been a few weeks since I've posted anything (fancy that) so here are a few things that were memorable from the last few weeks.  First, halloween was ridiculous, and I was dressed as a chicken.  Big thanks to Diana (duck) for helping me with the costume.
Open your eyes, D!

My school had a school-wide festival, and all the kids dressed up in costumes or traditional garb to do some sort of dance/skit/music for all of their parents.  Overall I'd say it was a huge success, and I'm glad I got to watch it.  I didn't get too many quality pictures from the event, but some of the teachers at school have some pictures they said I could steal from them.  Here are a few that I took:

two cute kids, not really sure what they said, but it was the beginning of the whole festival.  

look! a gaggle of asian elfs

traditional korean drumming

Like I said, I thought the festival was a huge success, and the kids did a great job!

I should also introduce a couple co-workers who have helped me immensely.  Gemma, who is in charge of English at Maeyeoul Elementary (my school), has bent over backwards for me since I've arrived.  She was the person waiting in Incheon Int'l for me, and is the one that has helped me since I stepped into South Korea.  Big Thanks to her, and all of her efforts!  
Gemma to the left, and a fellow teacher to the right.  

Second is Edward.  Although he is two years older than me, he is also in his first year of teaching.  They have two years of mandatory military service, thus he is just now beginning his career in education.  I also stayed a week with him in his apartment when I first arrived because the previous native speaker was still occupying my current apartment.  It certainly wasn't the easiest situation for either of us, but I think it was extraordinarily generous of him. 

Edward preparing for a lesson

Edward explaining a game

Last, is Fran.  Fran rocks and I can't really explain how much she has helped me.  In a previous post I mentioned things weren't very easy to set up (cell phone, bank, ARC) and Fran is the one who took me to all of those places for the  2nd time and fixed everything.  But thats not the only reason Fran deserves credit, she keeps me sane during the week as she is the best english speaker at the school.  She's my ally at school functions when I don't have many people to talk to, and we share many a laughs.  She is a great person, and I'm lucky to have such an experienced teacher as a resource as I wade through this first year of teaching.  

Fran and I visited Seoul
you can also see the three teachers in my facebook profile.  Gemma is to the far left, Edward is sitting next to me, and Fran is over my left shoulder.

Last thing for today's blog... Dak Galbi!!!
By far my favorite food since coming to Korea, and I go out with a couple UW guys every week to get it (Nate, Kimball, Wolfish).  It's delectable, and I think if it were in the US it would be a huge success.  It's veggies, chicken, rice noodles, and some seasoning.  Thats an oversimplification, but I don't care.  Either come to Korea to try it, or wikipedia/google it.  


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