Saturday, October 22, 2011

sunday funday

I just finished watching the Badgers get embarrassed at Michigan State... I think the Badgers were the better team, but if you have four straight possessions of turnovers/blocked kicks you're going to have a hard time climbing out of the hole you dug.  Still they almost did just that.  I have a feeling we'll be seeing the MSU Spartans again in the future.

On to more important things...

In continuing my effort of writing more I thought I'd share a couple recent things at school.  The kids stories seem to be more popular than stories from my day to day life, so I'll stick to those for today.

I began my Halloween themed classes on friday, and the kids went nuts for it.  I can't blame them because they're smart enough to know that Teacha Keiss is going to bring in copious amounts of candy to give them right before I send them home, or to someone else's class.  I certainly am not getting 10 year old, candy-deprived children a lot of candy before I ask them to sit quietly and listen to me.  Friday's class was mostly just pictures of autumn foliage and kids costumes to make them jealous of my country and american holidays which was quite successful.  I showed a lot of american cartoons about halloween, and even a clip about haunted houses which had the girls scared outa their minds, and the boys screaming to watch it again.  The last half hour we made halloween masks which was a lot of fun, and I noticed the kids getting more and more creative.  Creativity isn't common among young Korean students because there is no time for creativity.  It's a sad fact here, and I think most native teachers try to encourage creativity whenever possible.  Here are a few masks the students made:
more creative

less creative

My co-teacher put some of the projects about the fortress up around the room.  I never took time to really look at the posters, however I probably should since things like this get put up.  I decided not to take it down because it provides a quick laugh every time I pass by.

In case you didn't notice, it clearly says "Porn" on the bottom-center sticker.  As far as I know there was zero porn related structures in the Hwaseong Fortress. 

Next week is the Hwaseong English competition which I've been helping out with for the past month or so.  The two women in my office (Julie & Annie) have taken the grand majority of the work for this, but I help with the pronunciations and general tips to sounding more "american."  It isn't so much an English competition as it is a "who can memorize the most" competition.  So far my kids are doing pretty good.  Last Wednesday we took the kids to the fortress to walk around the entire structure and show them what exactly they're talking about.  I think it worked pretty well, but it lasted a long time.  The entire circuit is a bit over 3.5 miles so the kids were pretty exhausted afterwards.  Mt. Paldal is in the middle, and one leg of the wall runs up the "mountain."  I tried to explain to the kids that if it only takes 10 minutes to get to the top it probably isn't a mountain.  However, I didn't want to detract from their accomplishment.  It was actually really nice to walk the whole wall, finally.  I visited it a few times when I first arrived, but have found little reason to go back until now.  The last time I went there was with Chrissi and Enna which was october of last year.  WOW, how the time flies.  

Last week I was sick on Monday and Tuesday leading me to miss work on monday.  This was not good, and I plan on going to work even if I'm puking in the future.  Lesson learned.  I'm not going to delve into detail here because it wasn't a fun situation, and doesn't merit any more blog space.  

That's all for now.  Time to finish up some side-work that I'm doing to help a teacher at school.  
Hope all is well with those who read this.  



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